Sunday, 26 August 2012


Contented sheep grazing in front of
The Great British Bake Off bridge

Less contented sheep being ushered into a field
This week has been sheep week at Harptree. In spite of the grass in the fields we have had escaped sheep in our gardens morning and evening for the last three days. They would have done a lot more damage in the spring.

Luckily our dogs are sheep aware and seem totally indifferent, except when a sheep comes towards them; then they try to hide!

GBBO Again!

Just watched episode 2 and the memories came flooding back - Mainly how did we manage to miss out on the Bagels? We did taste quite a lot of things, but not the bagels! We blamed the crew for weeks, but I think it was our fault; we were just too polite. (at least back then, The less said about Linda eating the directors specially selected baked delicacies the better.)!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Great British Bake Off

At last we can tell! After weeks of doing our best to keep the secret we can now admit that the whole of the third series of Great British Bake Off was filmed here. What a delightful group of people! Like a big family. Linda and her friends were delighted when Mary Berry used to come into our kitchen to warm herself next to our Aga, as it was so cold outside everyone needed a bit of thawing out. Harptree looked stunning on the first program last night. We held a small party to thank some of our friends who helped out during the 10 weeks that the crew were here. We continued to run the Bed and Breakfast and the treehouse and yurt while it was all going on and some of the guests were able to watch some of the filming. One lot of guests were quite surprised to be welcomed by Mel on arrival.
All in all we had great fun